Excellence in Regulation: To ensure the public can expect safe, high quality registered nursing and midwifery practice in PEI
Regulating practice within the Public Interest Since 1922


Resources related to Midwifery practice will continue to be added to our website. Please call 902-368-3764 if you cannot find what you are looking for.


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Regulating Registered Nurses in the Public Interest Since 1922


The College of Registered Nurses and Midwives of PEI (CRNMPEI) was established in 2018 by the Regulated Health Professions Act as the regulatory body for Registered Nurses in PEI. Oversight of Registered Nurses was originally undertaken by the Association of Registered Nurses of PEI which was formed in 1922, later legislated by the RN Act.

Registered nurses and nurse practitioners are self-regulated health professionals in PEI. The regulatory functions of CRNMPEI under the Regulated Health Professions Act (RHPA) are in the best interest of the public and include:

  • Member Registration;
  • Discipline; and
  • Approval of Education Programs

Online Renewal Update

The Renewal period begins September 1st, for the period November 1st to October 31st. Current registrants must complete renewal by October 1st, or a late fee will apply. Anyone not renewed by October 31st of any year will no longer be a member, and a reinstatement will be required.

Registration Required to Begin Work

A CRNMPEI registration certificate is required in order to begin orientation and work as a Registered Nurse, Nurse Practitioner or Registered Midwife in PEI.

Renewal Fees

The current renewal and registration fees for 2023-2024 are found in the Bylaws and are as follows: The renewal fee for an RN will be $529.68 ($451.48 + CNPS fee $78.20) and for an NP $659.64 ($476.21 + CNPS fee $183.43). Anyone on PAD pays an additional $1 per month fee for using the service (this represents the bank charges).

CRNMPEI - Get in touch

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